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Wisconsin Spirit Boat
Romulus & Remus

Kathleen McMahon Fine Art Gallery presents contemporary art by local San Francisco Bay Area artists. Through exhibitions and events - both offline and online, we provide a place for artists, collectors, and the public to experience and purchase art ranging from abstract to landscape paintings (as well as other styles), from sculpture to fine art craft for your home or business environment. Art specially selected for its quality and essence and art that is affordable. We welcome new collectors.

You can check out some available work online as well as our programs link for upcoming exhibitions and events.

To purchase artwork please call the gallery at 415-673-0802 or e*mail us to discuss any piece you may be interested in or with any questions.

We also can provide services to help artists and small businesses develop their website online.

Get to Know one of our artists!

Click here to sign up for our E*mail Exhibition Announcements or Artwork E*mail Alerts or request a custom commissioned piece of artwork.

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